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Axios helper file with interceptors, how to turn it into a context provider?

I have an Axios helper file I have created to add interceptors to my Axios instance. The problem is I am making a hook call in there: const { instance } = useMsal(); and after some research, I have learned you cannot do that outside of a functional component. So now I think from digging more into this, the only way is to make a Axios provider and wrap my app in that? Is that the best way? If so, how do I do that? Here is the code in my Axios file: ```js import axios from 'axios';...

Next JS Module With wasm File and Module Not Found Error

I'm trying to run code from an npm library called opencascade. I installed it using npm install opencascade.js@beta When trying to run it I get a weird error ``` ./node_modules/opencascade.js/dist/opencascade.full.wasm...