.korven. – 18-21 Sep 16
How do y'all scale your charts? Do you prefer to have some minimum width and height? Do you always aim to maintain an aspect ratio? Why must SVG be pain to work with 🫠
✅ – fateassassin – 09-23 Aug 31
Hey, I need some help with Cookies and User auth. So what I have is a HTTP-Only cookie, which includes a token for user validation on the backend. Now if that cookie doesnt exists anymore, because the user has, for example, logged out, I want to refrain from making an API call to check for the token, to minimize API-calls. Is that possible, as i cant check if the token exists on the frontend? If yes, what would be the approach?
Don't prematurely optimize. Since you're using http only cookies, the only way for you to know whether a user is authenticated is by making a request
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✅ – fateassassin – 17-38 Aug 30
I am so confused right now, HTTP-Only cookies cant be edited through Javascript right, but for example I've got this extension on google that can delete the cookies? 🤔
even though also the "HTTP-Only" flag is checked...
you basically having the extension allow this type of access to specific domains
snowberb – 20-34 Aug 23
If you had to recommend a resource to learn JavaScript to someone who has no base in programming, which book/course/resource would you suggest?