•Created by devTej🧑💻 on 10/8/2022 in #help-threads-react
devTej – 15-10 Oct 8
From my understanding, the main reason for it running twice is people were putting things in use state that shouldn’t be in use state, I.e api calls so it was changed to discourage that
Take a look at react query: https://tanstack.com/query/v4
The basic concept is instead of using useEffect for API calls, you should write your API call as a hook as it gives you better control of the data flow
3 replies
•Created by Hailwood on 10/7/2022 in #help-js
✅ – Hailwood – 00-51 Oct 7
👍 you can use a ✅ reaction on the solution to mark this as solved 🙂
13 replies
•Created by Hailwood on 10/7/2022 in #help-js
✅ – Hailwood – 00-51 Oct 7
(^|\ ) - matches start of string or whitespace
h- matches h-
(\d*)- matches digits as a capture group
($\ )-matches end of string or whitespace
13 replies
•Created by Hailwood on 10/7/2022 in #help-js
✅ – Hailwood – 00-51 Oct 7
I'll do some tests and let you know @Hailwood , should be possible
13 replies
•Created by Hailwood on 10/7/2022 in #help-js
✅ – Hailwood – 00-51 Oct 7
Referenced stackoverflow post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6713310/regex-specify-space-or-start-of-string-and-space-or-end-of-string
13 replies
•Created by Rhys on 10/5/2022 in #help-js
✅ – Rhys – 02-32 Oct 5
thank you! good call out on the javascript doing that also that's helpful to remember
8 replies
•Created by vcarl on 10/1/2022 in #react-forum
New bot for indexing content to the web!
For people visiting this post, here's a link to it to view it on Answer Overflow to see how it looks! https://www.answeroverflow.com/m/1025903561260941354
13 replies
•Created by vcarl on 10/1/2022 in #react-forum
New bot for indexing content to the web!
I’m glad you asked! It helps me get feedback on the way that I’m going to implement things and if I didn’t have that planned it would have made a good feature to add to the roadmap 

13 replies
•Created by vcarl on 10/1/2022 in #react-forum
New bot for indexing content to the web!
Yep! That’s on the roadmap, but it’s for 3-6 months down the line probably as there’s some higher priority features I’m looking to get to first
Voting will work probably with an upvote / downvote etc, if I had to guess though at the moment voting isn’t needed as the problem isn’t that the information is wrong but rather it’s just not accessible, and so voting doesn’t help much with that
Voting will also be a part of user reputation, which is pretty straightforward where you ask / answer a question and get a point, that way you can see how much you’ve helped out - that’s part of finding ways to gamify question solving which also trying to keep what makes asking questions on Discord good
13 replies