New bot for indexing content to the web!
We’re trialing using the @AnswerOverflow bot in #help-js to help make the content of Reactiflux help channels accessible to search engines like Google. When you mark a question as solved in that channel now, you will be asked if you would like to publicly display your questions on to help make that content accessible.
This bot is developed by @Rhys, feel free to DM him with any questions that you may have about the process!
Answer Overflow
Reactiflux Community Page
Reactiflux community page on Answer Overflow. See what others in the community are asking questions about
10 Replies
We've added a new bot to the server! AnswerOverflow is a new bot (currently in beta) that archives and indexes messages from Discord, making them available via the web. If you're okay being included in this, you can click this green button, "Publicly display messages on AnswerOverflow". You can see there privacy policy and terms of use here:
Answer Overflow
Privacy Policy and Terms For Answer Overflow
Privacy policy and terms for Answer Overflow

Hi! I'm the developer of this bot, thanks for the introduction @vcarl!
Like they mentioned, feel free to send me any questions / concerns / suggestions that you have about Answer Overflow - the goal of it is to find the best way to make all of the really great content in Discord servers accessible to more people and I'm really excited to introduce it to this community 

I have a question: does both post/thread OP and any of discussion participants have to consent in order to make whole thread to be indexed? For example, if any of answering users agrees for their post to be indexable, but OP doesn't (either explicitly or just by ignoring the prompt), will then whole thread be indexed or just the answer (which without the context of question seems useless)?
So there's two scenarios that can happen there
1. User ignores the prompt: (example)
In this case, the messages can be shown as long as the user has signed in and is in same server, it's not a great experience of them having to sign in and see it but it at least lets them know there is a solution that they can sign in & join the server to view it on the website or join the server and search for to it find
2. User explicitly disables indexing
For this one, Answer Overflow doesn't store the messages of that user so there's nothing to display, which makes it look a bit weird on the website
On the site it'd look like
[Rhys: How do I solve x?]
[Rhys: Thanks that solves it!]
What I'm thinking to do to help make it look less weird, is if a user has disabled indexing then only storing the message IDs with information, and then on the site displaying something like
[Rhys: How do I solve X?]
[1..N messages cannot be shown]
[Rhys: Thanks that solves it!]
^I'd love to get your thoughts on that before I put it together I think it strikes a good balance between making the site usable and respecting peoples decisions to disable indexing as the main reason I see for disabling indexing is not wanting Answer Overflow storing your help channel messages
Unknown User•3y ago
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Yep! That’s on the roadmap, but it’s for 3-6 months down the line probably as there’s some higher priority features I’m looking to get to first
Voting will work probably with an upvote / downvote etc, if I had to guess though at the moment voting isn’t needed as the problem isn’t that the information is wrong but rather it’s just not accessible, and so voting doesn’t help much with that
Voting will also be a part of user reputation, which is pretty straightforward where you ask / answer a question and get a point, that way you can see how much you’ve helped out - that’s part of finding ways to gamify question solving which also trying to keep what makes asking questions on Discord good
Unknown User•3y ago
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I’m glad you asked! It helps me get feedback on the way that I’m going to implement things and if I didn’t have that planned it would have made a good feature to add to the roadmap 

For people visiting this post, here's a link to it to view it on Answer Overflow to see how it looks!
Answer Overflow
New bot for indexing content to the web!
We’re trialing using ...
Reactiflux #react-forum - New bot for indexing content to the web!
We’re trialing using the @AnswerOverflow bot in <#565213527673929729> to help make the content of Reactiflux help channels accessible to search engines like Google. When you mark a question as solved in that channel now, you will be asked if you would like to publicly displa...