Created by joaocasarin on 10/18/2022 in #react-forum
Capture image with webcam and send it to API as base64 or as image (buffer?)
thanks a lot!
11 replies
Created by joaocasarin on 10/18/2022 in #react-forum
Capture image with webcam and send it to API as base64 or as image (buffer?)
hey @joeydi what a cool implementation, lol! I think this would fit as the solution for the topic 😄
11 replies
Created by joaocasarin on 10/18/2022 in #react-forum
Capture image with webcam and send it to API as base64 or as image (buffer?)
yo, thanks for that link, it wasnt available when i searched for the subject... just for curiosity, what did you mean with "Hope ethos is being considered"? ahhaha
11 replies