Created by Meraj on 4/6/2023 in #react-forum
Component not showing data after useRef
Hello, A little explanation before the code: I am fetching data from a database asynchronously. Fetches just fine using the function fetchData. Then to stop continuous re-rendering I use useRef instead of useState to set two arrays cdata and pdata. Their console.log shows it worked. However, when I call my component after onclick neither cdata nor pdata are available. I cant use useEffect as I need my data to be available after onclick and fetchData within useEffect means it is only available after the page re-renders. Not at onclick.
5 replies
Created by Meraj on 3/23/2023 in #react-forum
Cannot fetch data for a component from an API
Hello, I want to fetch data that I successfully collect from a mongodb database and then display it in a dropdown component. But I am unable to receive it and receive undefined instead. This is my API, a [...param].js in folder api/calcCart:
async function handler(req, resp){
// mongoose code
const usersArray = await userscollection.findOne(query);
**return resp.status(200).send({data: usersArray})**

export default handler
async function handler(req, resp){
// mongoose code
const usersArray = await userscollection.findOne(query);
**return resp.status(200).send({data: usersArray})**

export default handler
This is the function where I fetch this usersArray. It is in index.js:
const calculateCart = async (ipAddress, browserName) =>{

const resp = await fetch(`/api/calcCart/${ipAddress}/${browserName}`, {
method: 'POST'
.then((res) => {console.log("SUCCESS in Fetching Product Data", res)

}).then(data =>{console.log("SUCCESS in Resolving Product Data:",data)})
.catch(e => console.log("ERROR:" + e))

const calculateCart = async (ipAddress, browserName) =>{

const resp = await fetch(`/api/calcCart/${ipAddress}/${browserName}`, {
method: 'POST'
.then((res) => {console.log("SUCCESS in Fetching Product Data", res)

}).then(data =>{console.log("SUCCESS in Resolving Product Data:",data)})
.catch(e => console.log("ERROR:" + e))

This is the component where this function is called, also defined in index.js:
const Drop = ({ open }) => {
return (
<div >
{open === true ? (
<div className="dropdown_container">
calculateCart(props.ip, props.browser)
Fetched data

) : null}
const Drop = ({ open }) => {
return (
<div >
{open === true ? (
<div className="dropdown_container">
calculateCart(props.ip, props.browser)
Fetched data

) : null}
I keep seeing this:
SUCCESS in Fetching Product Data
Response { type: "basic", url: "http://localhost:3000/api/calcCart/::ffff:…Linux%20x86_64;%20rv:109.0)%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/111.0", redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, statusText: "OK", headers: Headers(7), body: ReadableStream, bodyUsed: false }
SUCCESS in Resolving Product Data: **undefined** index.js:524:30
SUCCESS in Fetching Product Data
Response { type: "basic", url: "http://localhost:3000/api/calcCart/::ffff:…Linux%20x86_64;%20rv:109.0)%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/111.0", redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, statusText: "OK", headers: Headers(7), body: ReadableStream, bodyUsed: false }
SUCCESS in Resolving Product Data: **undefined** index.js:524:30
If it is being resolved successfully, why is there undefined? If someone could kindly guide me. I have been on this for almost two weeks. Thank you.
5 replies
Created by Meraj on 12/28/2022 in #react-forum
Cannot display table using React
Hi, I am trying to display a simple table but it is showing me error. Been stuck on this for two weeks. Here is my code on codesandbox: Embedding it here too:
import "./styles.css";

export default function App() {
const products = ["A", "B", "C"];
const counts = [3, 4, 6];

let userArranged = [];
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
userArranged[i] = { product: products[i], counts: counts[i] };

return (
<div className="cart-table">
<div className="heading-cart">Your cart:</div>
<div className="header-cart">
<div className="table-header-cell">Product</div>
<div className="table-header-cell">Count</div>
<div className="cart-products">
{userArranged[0].map((productArray) => (
<div className="actual-cart">
{ => (
<div className="table-body-cell">{prod}</div>
import "./styles.css";

export default function App() {
const products = ["A", "B", "C"];
const counts = [3, 4, 6];

let userArranged = [];
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
userArranged[i] = { product: products[i], counts: counts[i] };

return (
<div className="cart-table">
<div className="heading-cart">Your cart:</div>
<div className="header-cart">
<div className="table-header-cell">Product</div>
<div className="table-header-cell">Count</div>
<div className="cart-products">
{userArranged[0].map((productArray) => (
<div className="actual-cart">
{ => (
<div className="table-body-cell">{prod}</div>
The error: userArranged[0].map is not a function Can someone help me out please?
8 replies