Created by あすぱる on 12/3/2023 in #react-forum
Is impure to update "other component's" useRef within useEffect?
I saw the article "Keeping Components Pure" on react.dev and have a question. Is there any problem with "updating refs of other components received via props in useEffect" as shown below?
function ChildComponent({ r: MutableRefObject<{ foo: string }> }) {
useEffect(() => {
r.current.foo = "update-from-children";
function ChildComponent({ r: MutableRefObject<{ foo: string }> }) {
useEffect(() => {
r.current.foo = "update-from-children";
This is used like:
const r = useRef({ foo: "default-value" });
<ChildComponent r={r} />
const r = useRef({ foo: "default-value" });
<ChildComponent r={r} />
Although not very practical, I made one sample application that just adds two inputs. Of course, I know there are more React-like ways to do this, but I am now simply wondering if this is acceptable in principle for React components. I would be happy to receive an answer!
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