_mercury3y ago

Tailwind sucks

what is the difference between tailwind and pure css ? nothing just another way of writing css with abbreviations classes although vscode will mostly help you write css by intellisense .. bootstrap or chakra are good because they already did components that save time .. but wirth tailwind you have to remember a bunch of classes names that do the same as css
8 Replies
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_mercury3y ago
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dfg3y ago
This doesn't seem like you're interested in having your opinion changed, just that you want to bash on something you don't like
_mercury3y ago
I will use it in the oroject i started today … changed my mind i will give it a shot
dfg3y ago
I like tailwind because I write less code, I don't have to flip back and forth between different files, and I don't have to spend brain power trying to invent class names for each component As a concrete example, I much prefer writing sm:flex sm:flex-row rather than the equivalent media queries Yes, it does 99% of the same thing that CSS does but with a different syntax. And that's a good thing. I want all the power of CSS, I just don't like writing CSS itself. As a bonus, the generated CSS scales logarithmically as you approach the total amount of utility classes available. It doesn't grow very much after the first few components you write. With BEM or whatever methodology you pick your CSS files grow with every new component and you'll struggle to figure out if some CSS can be deleted or not.
_mercury3y ago
you’re the reason i still remember what you said It’s awesome I’m reading the docs , I like you dfg I admit I wrote a title for provocation
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Unknown User3y ago
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