Hailwood3y ago

Hailwood – 00-02 Mar 3

Hey folks, using formik with typescript, we have the render function (as children). Typescript knows values is of type FormikValues and knows the exact keys/type of values inside values based off initialValues. I'm wondering if we can make a prop of a component rendered inside this render function be required to be a key of values? I.e.
<Formik initialValues={{name: 'bob', age: 32}}>
{({values}) => {

values.name, //okay
values.email // errors as it should

//I want to do this
return (
{/* okay as name is in initial values */}
<MyFieldComponent name="name" />

{/* should error as email is not in initial values */}
<MyFieldComponent name="email" />

<Formik initialValues={{name: 'bob', age: 32}}>
{({values}) => {

values.name, //okay
values.email // errors as it should

//I want to do this
return (
{/* okay as name is in initial values */}
<MyFieldComponent name="name" />

{/* should error as email is not in initial values */}
<MyFieldComponent name="email" />

1 Reply
reactibot3y ago
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