Enfield-li – 18-14 Feb 9
Guys, Please help me out, I am not able to get the return value of this code
Only got undefined from both values, but why..
let err = { someJunk: "asdfklasdf", detail: "email is bad" };
let fields = ["username", "email"];
const validation = (errDetail, fields) => {
fields.forEach((field) => {
if (errDetail.includes(field)) {
console.log("caught email");
return {
errors: {
field: field,
message: field + "already taken"
const res = validation(err.detail, fields);
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I want to return a single error object when the function caugth a match, so this is not the way I should be doing?
So calling return in forEach will not work?
I might do a different logic with it..
Just figured out, thanks man!😬
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