Vu Nguyen
Vu Nguyen10mo ago

hoangvu12 – 03-00 Jan 23

I'm using XState to make a Blackjack game, now I want to make the dealer reveal any player's cards, but the problem is I don't know how to pass params (that input from the dealer) to the action. Here is the dealer state:
dealerTurn: {
on: {
HIT: {
target: 'checkDealerStatus',
actions: {
type: 'dealCardsToDealer',
target: 'checkNumberOfPlayersLeft',
actions: {
type: 'revealAPlayerCards',
params: {
playerId: "The player id that user want to reveal" // <-- How can I pass the player ID here?
target: 'revealAllPlayersCards',
dealerTurn: {
on: {
HIT: {
target: 'checkDealerStatus',
actions: {
type: 'dealCardsToDealer',
target: 'checkNumberOfPlayersLeft',
actions: {
type: 'revealAPlayerCards',
params: {
playerId: "The player id that user want to reveal" // <-- How can I pass the player ID here?
target: 'revealAllPlayersCards',
Edit: Solved this by adding a custom property to event
2 Replies
S3BAS10mo ago
Wajo an xstate question here Which version are you using?
reactibot10mo ago
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