Vu Nguyen
Vu Nguyen14mo ago

hoangvu12 – 20-03 Jan 5

Is rust faster than javascript in I/O-intensive work? I have a JS script that doing automating (fetching data and stuff, I'm planning to move to Rust because I heard that Rust is way faster than JS. Is that true?
6 Replies
dfg.codes14mo ago
for i/o bound stuff, i would image node is probably comparable to rust but rust will hands down out-perform node on CPU-bound ops
lebouwski14mo ago
The nodejs apis are written in c++, but it’s still single threaded
Vu Nguyen
Vu NguyenOP14mo ago
yeah, for sure rust is faster in CPU tasks, but I wonder if it also faster in I/O I heard that NodeJS is good for I/O, but I'm considering move to Rust (because I need the script to run as fast as possible)
dfg.codes14mo ago
It's probably technically faster, but I'd be surprised if it's significantly so. And then you also have to factor in development time and complexity
Vu Nguyen
Vu NguyenOP14mo ago
I see, I'll see more into it, thank youu
reactibot14mo ago
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