dmikester1 – 18-02 Nov 28
I'm trying to make an API request to to get the associated city and state for a given zip code. I keep getting this error:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: header ‘apikey’ is not allowed according to header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Headers’ from CORS preflight response).
I tested it with Postman and it worked fine, so nothing wrong with the API.10 Replies
Here is my javascript code:
In the docs, they use 'fetch' like this:
CORS is controlled by the server
Not much the client can do about it
but if it is working fine in Postman, shouldn't I be able to make it work in my javascript?
Postman doesn’t care about CORS
The browser does
Can’t do anything from the client side code
oh, that stinks
The only thing you could do is make an API that you control that can make a request to that third party
Which you’d likely want anyway so that you don’t expose your api keys to the world
oh, so make a route from my NodeJS backend to do it
And have your backend deal with whatever CORS you need on the client
cool, thanks for the tip!
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