Shrouder2y ago

alforoan – 00-44 Oct 27

i need help with why my game.j index is increasing to 1 and how i can set it to 0 on start of every new word
4 Replies
ShrouderOP2y ago problem: if the word i have to type is "dispose " (last letter is an empty string) and i type something like "ffffffff" (last letter is an f instead of an empty string) game.j index becomes 1 if i type the start of the next word even though it should start at index of 0
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ShrouderOP2y ago
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ShrouderOP2y ago
so if i typed "ddddd" for 'pull' and typed "d' after, p in pendant shoudl be marked wrong but it goes str8 to e no worries
reactibot2y ago
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