Miguel10mo ago

✅ – ✅ – landfight – 23-01 Oct 8

Hey everyone, when im creating components that are going to be reused in multiple pages, do i place the layout styling (padding, margin, etc.) on the page-level for each page or the component-level?
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Unknown User10mo ago
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reactibot10mo ago
This question has an answer! Thank you for helping 😄 If you have a followup question, you may want to reply to this thread so other members know they're related. https://discord.com/channels/102860784329052160/902647189120118794/1160713635694391296
reactibot10mo ago
This question has an answer! Thank you for helping 😄 If you have a followup question, you may want to reply to this thread so other members know they're related. https://discord.com/channels/102860784329052160/902647189120118794/1160713635694391296 This thread hasn’t had any activity in 36 hours, so it’s now locked. Threads are closed automatically after 36 hours. If you have a followup question, you may want to reply to this thread so other members know they're related. https://discord.com/channels/102860784329052160/902647189120118794/1160713635694391296