pepega1337. – 21-16 Aug 15
Hi, I have a form that calls my PHP script on the server
How can I prevent the page from re-directing to when the submit button is pressed?
When I use e.preventdefault() it's not even called obviously, but I want to stay on the same page..
<form action="login.php" method="POST" onSubmit={(e) => handleSubmit(e)}>
6 Replies
You’d need to call PreventDefault on the event object
Yeah ofc im doing that but when I preventDefault then my form is not even submitted, there is no api call not even in Fiddler, but when I remove preventDefault then it works... But it redirects me to which i dont want...
If I try to remove the form and make it a div, and manually fetch the api on button click then again it doesnt even try fetching, I have no idea tbh
You’d have to submit it manually
Like with fetch/axios
Without PreventDefault it’s going to do what a form does in html which is do a full request
And your js isn’t going to have time to do anything
Fixed it all with manual fetching, ty a lot
And you should keep using
for forms - <div>
is not the appropriate element to wrap a form (e.g
it doesn't support built-in validation)This thread hasn’t had any activity in 36 hours, so it’s now locked.
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