snowberb – 10-37 Jun 15
Im trying to use AbortController but I cant find out how it really works. If I put it before the fetch, the fetch request gets ignored, it doesnt even start. And if I put it after the fetch, it will simply await the call without aborting. Any ideas?
9 Replies
will reject the promise
what are you trying to do?every time I pick a value on the select I have to make a patch
I just want to cancel the previous request if it didnt finish
and the user selects a new value
why ref?
to keep it for when you rerender
it works
thank you
but I dk how I could have thinked of using ref
on the second call to
you need to call the abort controller for the previous request, so it needs to be kept outside of the function, but created insideokay I get that
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