I have JSON response as below
"data": [
"id": 3,
"attributes": {
"industryType": "Food And Beverage",
"about": "*Michael’s Icecream Burger* is the first of its kind, Conceptualized in New York. “CRUNCHILICIOUS!!!” - Hot & Crunchy on the outside, Cold & Mushy on the inside. We also serve the most creamiest ice cream Scoops & Sundaes. \n\n*Michael’s Icecream Burger* is UNIQUE!!! and highly profitable in all the ways…\n\n*Products and Services*\n\nLow Investment\nHighest profit margin compare to any other competitor (150% to 300% Profit Margin)\nHighly affordable prices (Rs. 40/- to Rs. 140/-)\nAvailable in 3 Formats – Mobile Vehicle, Mall Kiosk, Independent Store\nProducts and Services\n\nIce cream burgers, ice cream sundaes, exotic and natural ice cream scoops, a range of hot and cold coffees, Belgian waffles.,
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"page": 1,
"pageSize": 25,
"pageCount": 1,
"total": 1
I would like to extract about
from the JSON string and split it based on newline char. I've done this using str.split("\n")
and also str.split(/\n/)
but it doesn't seem to work. Please help find the problem!3 Replies
I have ,
const aboutInfo = JSON.stringify(brand.attributes.about)
const aboutUs = JSON.parse(aboutInfo)
and <ul>
but doesn't seem to workUnknown User•2y ago
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Thanks for pointing it out!