Geethika15mo ago

Server ErrorError: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components)...

I am getting this error in console and also when I go to the page personal-info in my next.js project! ---> Server Error Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports. I am trying to route to personal-info page from sign up page. Code snippets: >> Function that handles what happens after recieveing sign up OTP , const handleOtp = async (otpNumber, phoneNumber,userPassword) => { try { setLoading(true); .... if (error) throw error; else { alert("Welcome!"); router.push('/personal-info') } ... } catch (error) { //console.log(phoneNumber, otpNumber,userPassword); alert(error.error_description || error.message); } finally { setLoading(false); } }; >> Personal info page code import PersonalDetails from "../components/PersonalDetails" const PersonalInfo = () => { return ( <> <PersonalDetails/> </> ) } export default PersonalInfo >> Personal details page code snippets ... const goToHomePage = () => { router.push('/') } ... <Button size="lg" className="button block" onClick={goToHomePage} > <span>Save</span> </Button> ...
9 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User15mo ago
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Geethika15mo ago
I have formatted the code Please check I think we can rule out the first option
Unknown User
Unknown User15mo ago
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Geethika15mo ago
actually that's not possible you can tell me if u need to see any additional code
Unknown User
Unknown User15mo ago
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Geethika15mo ago
okay, I will check n update
Geethika15mo ago
Stack Overflow
React-Bootstrap - importing modules
I'm trying to use react-bootstrap. See the code below. If I load individual modules (eg. Button, ButtonGroup, etc.), it works fine. I'd rather, however, import the whole ReactBootstrap (like in lin...
Geethika15mo ago
" react-bootstrap doesn't have a default export, so the default import syntax (import ReactBootstrap from 'react-bootstrap') cannot be used in this case. You can do the following though: import * as ReactBootstrap from 'react-bootstrap'; <ReactBootstrap.Button bsStyle="success" bsSize="small"> Something </ReactBootstrap.Button> "
Unknown User
Unknown User15mo ago
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