LilyyyXD2y ago

✅ – ✅ – lxd – 14-50 Mar 27

My SVG doesn't appear in react-bootstrap <Button> component but appears if I dont use the <Button> component . (Screenshots in thread)
24 Replies
LilyyyXD2y ago
with <Button> react-bootstrap component (the blue rectangle on top right is the button component with SVG in it)
LilyyyXD2y ago
LilyyyXD2y ago
without the component
LilyyyXD2y ago
LilyyyXD2y ago
Code with the component- <Button> <svg xmlns="" data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 24 24" id="cart" > <path d="M8.5,19A1.5,1.5,0,1,0,10,20.5,1.5,1.5,0,0,0,8.5,19ZM19,16H7a1,1,0,0,1,0-2h8.49121A3.0132,3.0132,0,0,0,18.376,11.82422L19.96143,6.2749A1.00009,1.00009,0,0,0,19,5H6.73907A3.00666,3.00666,0,0,0,3.92139,3H3A1,1,0,0,0,3,5h.92139a1.00459,1.00459,0,0,1,.96142.7251l.15552.54474.00024.00506L6.6792,12.01709A3.00006,3.00006,0,0,0,7,18H19a1,1,0,0,0,0-2ZM17.67432,7l-1.2212,4.27441A1.00458,1.00458,0,0,1,15.49121,12H8.75439l-.25494-.89221L7.32642,7ZM16.5,19A1.5,1.5,0,1,0,18,20.5,1.5,1.5,0,0,0,16.5,19Z"></path> </svg> </Button>
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LilyyyXD2y ago
I will have to resize it and maintain separate css file for flex and other styles but this react-bootstrap component should take care of all of it as I am not maintaining any css file for the project and everything is on bootstrap/react-bootstrap
LilyyyXD2y ago
I typed hi inside the <Button> component and I was able to get hi on the button
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Unknown User2y ago
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LilyyyXD2y ago
Yes I want to contain it inside and size will also be taken care of by <Button>
Unknown User
Unknown User2y ago
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LilyyyXD2y ago
I was wondering is there' any way I can use the svg code directly instead of saving the file and importing it?
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Unknown User2y ago
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LilyyyXD2y ago
Oh I see Let me try that out
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Unknown User2y ago
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