dmikester12y ago

dmikester1 – 22-28 Jan 13

I have an array of objects. Each object has many fields, but I want to update the linePosition field in all of the objects. I simply want to decrement it by one. Would map be my best bet here?
3 Replies
dmikester12y ago
If it matters, this array is a React state array.
ScriptyChris2y ago
You can simple do a loop
for (const object of array) {
object.property_to_update = 'new value';
for (const object of array) {
object.property_to_update = 'new value';
Oh, in this case use functional update with .map() to avoid state mutation
setState(prev => => ({
property_to_update: 'new value'
setState(prev => => ({
property_to_update: 'new value'
reactibot2y ago
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