Alex2y ago

Alex. – 09-19 Dec 29

I need to replace the url using regex, current url : http://localhost:3000/#/test/id/123456&gid=1&pid=1 needed url : http://localhost:3000/#/Portfolio/id/123456 code that I tried :
const reg = /&gid=.*&pid=.*/g
const str = "http://localhost:3000/#/test/id/123456&gid=1&pid=1"
const newStr = str.replace(reg, "")
const reg = /&gid=.*&pid=.*/g
const str = "http://localhost:3000/#/test/id/123456&gid=1&pid=1"
const newStr = str.replace(reg, "")
problem is if the url changes to : http://localhost:3000/#/test/id/123456&gid=1&pid=1/test or http://localhost:3000/#/test/id/123456&gid=1&pid=1&test=1 my code will delete everything after &gid... which I don't want, I only need to get rid of gid and pid, is there anyway I can do it?
5 Replies
Alex2y ago
I meant if the url changes to http://localhost:3000/#/test/id/123456&gid=1&pid=1&test=1/test I want my code to replace it to http://localhost:3000/#/test/id/123456&test=1/test but what my code does is it replace it to : http://localhost:3000/#/test/id/123456 which is not good
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Alex2y ago
yes thank's a lot it worked
const reg = /&gid=[0-9]&pid=[0-9]/g
const str =
const newStr = str.replace(reg, "")
const reg = /&gid=[0-9]&pid=[0-9]/g
const str =
const newStr = str.replace(reg, "")
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Unknown User2y ago
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