Sadashi•2y ago

Next-steps scaling up and expanding

Hey guys, so I wanted your opinion and seek some guidance on how to proceed with this issue For some background, I'm tech lead at this edtech company and we average 5k unique users per day and have been in the field for several years now. Our current codebase is razzle.js + mui + sass (and other frameworks to get it working), pages vary from landings, dashboards, admin panels, complete authentication pages, and a 'content viewer' thats a major application by itself. This current version has styles which are on a "whatever works works" basis b/w mui and sass, with components being re used by copy paste and updating rather than making a component and using an instance which also means making changes isn't easy. For our '23 roadmap, we've got many major additions planned which would literally more than double the complexcity of the whole application (its not small rn either), and I hope to make it as well strucutred, developer friendly and sustainable in the long term as I can. Since building on the current version is possible but as we keep on doing it it'll eventually reach a limit of chaos where it's v v v hard to expand on, a refactor there is months in itself. So, I want to make it more developer-friendly, consistent (in terms of css/components), for which I am very skeptical about what path to take. We even started a next.js migration a few days back but halted that since it dosen't feel correct and certainly needs more planning. This is where I need your guidance on how to proceed, and what all things to 'have' and follow as we grow.
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Sadashi•2y ago
(Currently it's mern, we're split into two environments where the frontend is razzle.js/mui/sass and backend is express/mongo/node) the frontend is what's in a chaotic state The 'side by side and redo' sounds like the best option now - ie after i decide on the frontend stack
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Unknown User•2y ago
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Sadashi•2y ago
The problem is the amount of code/styles and I'm skeptical because if we refactor it all just to realize a few months down it wasn't the best choice would be painful
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Unknown User•2y ago
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Sadashi•2y ago
That would be great Nextjs + tailwind + storybook components sound's like a good idea too
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Unknown User•2y ago
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Sadashi•2y ago
Will keep that in mind Yeah, rewrites are prolly easier than copy-paste and get it working
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Unknown User•2y ago
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Sadashi•2y ago
😂 but iirc Shouldnt v13 not break stuff unless you switch to the app directory?
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Unknown User•2y ago
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Sadashi•2y ago
I havent really looked much into the changelist Our current codebase can't get through its package.json without --force rn anyways, prolly never will 😦
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Unknown User•2y ago
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Sadashi•2y ago
It does-?
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