ekomS – 23-57 Dec 21
I have an object with nested functions, like so:
Is there any way I can specify default behavior if just
is called? Example: 6 Replies
is not a function, so you can't call it. You can make it a function and then attach properties to it
Is there any way to nest this assignment within the
So that I don't need to write a new line for every deeply nested methodNo, because you first have to declare a function (which is a special kind of object in JavaScript) and then mutate it by adding properties
Though you could have a group of props, which you could define as a single object
I figured something out
This seems to work
I just give my desired default behavior the
And then parse the object through turnObjectIntoFunction
before I export my function/object
There's probably plenty of ways to optimize but I'm quite possibly braindead after two hours of monkeying around with itI think you overcomplicated this, because it's easier to create an object and append it as function's prop than making some recursion stuff 😛
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