Sniberbβ€’2y ago

πŸŽƒ Spookyberb πŸŽƒ – 13-03 Nov 23

Will this piece of code crash the app if it doesnt find anything?
const { fullName } = clients.find((client) => client.clientId === customerId);
const { fullName } = clients.find((client) => client.clientId === customerId);
7 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown Userβ€’2y ago
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ScriptyChrisβ€’2y ago
@β›„Snowberbβ›„ add a default value if .find() returns null:
const { fullName } = clients.find((client) => client.clientId === customerId) ?? { fullName: '' };
const { fullName } = clients.find((client) => client.clientId === customerId) ?? { fullName: '' };
Sniberbβ€’2y ago
ooo I like this that's what I wanted but why ?? and not ||?
Unknown User
Unknown Userβ€’2y ago
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ScriptyChrisβ€’2y ago
Alternatively you could use optional chaining without spread πŸ€”
const fullName = clients.find((client) => client.clientId === customerId)?.fullName;
const fullName = clients.find((client) => client.clientId === customerId)?.fullName;
!mdn optional chaining
reactibotβ€’2y ago
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