shuntera123y ago

✅ – shuntera12 – 23-03 Nov 9

Hey everyone! How to add a property to object after a particular property? Like if const obj = { a:"Name", b:"Rohit", age:12, } and i want to add the property after b, can anyone help me with this?
14 Replies
shuntera12OP3y ago
so in my case there are thousand objects with different structure but same property names, and I want to add a new property after a particular property, how will I do so?
S3BAS3y ago
You should not use an object if you want a specific order You should use an array instead What's the use case here? @shuntera12
shuntera12OP3y ago
I am using Prismic (CMS) and I want to change the data of the CMS, since there is no write API, I would need to manually upload JSON files to the CMS. Now, the CMS will only work if the imported json file is in correct order/structure. Therfore, i want to add new properties in json file at the correct order @S3BAS
S3BAS3y ago
Now, the CMS will only work if the imported json file is in correct order
Are you really, really sure about this? I highly doubt that's a requirement
shuntera12OP3y ago
Lemme checkkk There's nothing mentioned in the docs about the structure, but my senior told me that the structure should remain the same @S3BAS what should I do now? 😓
S3BAS3y ago
The structure in terms of keys/values being present sure But the order should not matter
shuntera12OP3y ago
so can I proceed with adding properties at random order, right?
S3BAS3y ago
Have you tried it out? :p (but yes, very likely)
shuntera12OP3y ago
I don't have access to upload, only thing I can provide my manager is my json file
S3BAS3y ago
Ah, but yeah the order of the keys in the object should not matter
shuntera12OP3y ago
yep, thanks for clarifying 💯
S3BAS3y ago
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