Sniberbβ€’2y ago

πŸŽƒ Spookyberb πŸŽƒ – 12-08 Nov 4

Whats wrong with my regex expressions? Number, letter and min length of 2: /\d{1,}\w{1,}/ Number, lower case letter, upper case letter and min length of 3: /[a-zA-Z\d]/
4 Replies
S3BASβ€’2y ago
Number, letter and min length of 2
Is it required to have at least 1 of each?
Number, lower case letter, upper case letter and min length of 2:
[] denotes a set where any one of the elements should be present
Sniberbβ€’2y ago
yes, it has to have minimum one of each and then you can add whatever you want
S3BASβ€’2y ago
\w also includes numbers so 22 would be accepted
reactibotβ€’2y ago
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