LaRynk3y ago

✅ – Axel (Rinkusu) – 20-53 Oct 30

Hi, can someone explains me how is it possible that every color is set to 'blue' after this please ?
newTiles.forEach((elem, i) => {
elem.color = i % 2 === 0 ? 'blue' : 'red'
newTiles.forEach((elem, i) => {
elem.color = i % 2 === 0 ? 'blue' : 'red'
11 Replies
ScriptyChris3y ago
@Rinkusu show newTiles array please
LaRynkOP3y ago
let newTiles = Array(64).fill({color: undefined, piece: undefined})

newTiles.forEach((elem, i) => {
elem.color = i % 2 === 0 ? 'blue' : 'red'
let newTiles = Array(64).fill({color: undefined, piece: undefined})

newTiles.forEach((elem, i) => {
elem.color = i % 2 === 0 ? 'blue' : 'red'
LaRynkOP3y ago
how is it possible ? xD
LaRynkOP3y ago
newTiles.forEach((elem, i) => {
console.log('HERE:', i % 2 === 0)
elem.color = (i % 2 === 0 ? 'blue' : 'red')
newTiles.forEach((elem, i) => {
console.log('HERE:', i % 2 === 0)
elem.color = (i % 2 === 0 ? 'blue' : 'red')
ScriptyChris3y ago
The thing is that your array contains of a single object reference, which - despite having assigned different color each iteration ( you can validate it by console.log(elem.color) below the assignment) - at the end of the loop gets assigned one color, and it's so remaining "clones" have the same value If you want it to work "properly" then use .map() instead of .forEach() and return a fresh object on every iteration
let newTiles = Array(64)
.fill({color: undefined, piece: undefined})
.map((elem, i) => {
elem.color = i % 2 === 0 ? 'blue' : 'red';
return {...elem}; // return a copied object, so in fact a new reference

console.log(newTiles) // logs objects with mixed blue/red color
let newTiles = Array(64)
.fill({color: undefined, piece: undefined})
.map((elem, i) => {
elem.color = i % 2 === 0 ? 'blue' : 'red';
return {...elem}; // return a copied object, so in fact a new reference

console.log(newTiles) // logs objects with mixed blue/red color
LaRynkOP3y ago
Ok, I reworked and got this:
let newTiles = Array(64).fill({color: undefined, piece: undefined})
let nextColor = beigeColor

setTiles(newTiles?.map((elem, i) => {
let newElem = {...elem}

if (i % 8 !== 0) {nextColor = nextColor === beigeColor ? brownColor : beigeColor}
if (nextColor === brownColor) {
newElem.piece.color = i < 24 ? 'black' : i > 39 ? 'white' : undefined
newElem.color = nextColor
return newElem
let newTiles = Array(64).fill({color: undefined, piece: undefined})
let nextColor = beigeColor

setTiles(newTiles?.map((elem, i) => {
let newElem = {...elem}

if (i % 8 !== 0) {nextColor = nextColor === beigeColor ? brownColor : beigeColor}
if (nextColor === brownColor) {
newElem.piece.color = i < 24 ? 'black' : i > 39 ? 'white' : undefined
newElem.color = nextColor
return newElem
"Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'color')" Because first, "piece" is undefined. So how can I set it to an object with a color attribute inside of it please ?$
ScriptyChris3y ago
? optional chaining operator? !mdn optional chaining
LaRynkOP3y ago
no it would be an invalid left-assignement expression I guess it works like this:
if (nextColor === brownColor) {
newElem.piece = {
color: i < 24 ? 'black' : i > 39 ? 'white' : undefined,
isLady: false
if (nextColor === brownColor) {
newElem.piece = {
color: i < 24 ? 'black' : i > 39 ? 'white' : undefined,
isLady: false
thx anyway !
reactibot3y ago
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