1. how can i communicate between js files via events ? im thinking something like this
// emitter file
const events = require('events');
const event = new events();

module.exports = event;

event.emit('myEvent', 'some data');

// some other file which i want to listen to
const event = require('path/to/emitter');
event.addListener('myEvent', (e) => console.log(e));
// emitter file
const events = require('events');
const event = new events();

module.exports = event;

event.emit('myEvent', 'some data');

// some other file which i want to listen to
const event = require('path/to/emitter');
event.addListener('myEvent', (e) => console.log(e));
2. what is the best way to communicate between js files. condition: not primarily by module.exports, like it should not be the main thing which transports the data but it can help in doing so like i did in case 1.
1 Reply
reactibot3y ago
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