⛄ Snowberb ⛄ – 13-30 Jul 22
How can I get the file names from a folder inside my project?
8 Replies
You mean programatically or how?
I have this huge logos folder
I want to get each file name to create an object dynamically containing those logos
So I can later get the src with a function
Something like
you know? @ScriptyChris
I dont want to repeat this process every time I put any new image
Ok, so you are going to need Node (or any backend language, which has access to a file system)
In case of Node you can use
You can use fs.readdir
to list all files inside the logos
And then to the mapping so file names become images
object keys and - this i am not certain due to "williamhill.webp" suffix in your example - like file path be valuesYou might a file watcher for that too
or via some library
A wrapper and enhancements for fs.watch. Latest version: 0.7.3, last published: 6 months ago. Start using node-watch in your project by running
npm i node-watch
. There are 821 other projects in the npm registry using node-watch.oj okay
thank you sm!
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